Logo Are You Feeling Suicidal? How to Help Someone Have You Lost Someone to Suicide? Understanding Suicide
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Survivors of Suicide

Survivors of Suicide is a grief support program uniquely designed to assist families, friends, and individuals affected by the aftermath of suicide. The Survivors of Suicide program provides professionally facilitated meetings in supportive and confidential settings. This allows survivors to share and validate their feelings and experiences. Call 586-307-9100 for more information.|


2011 - January/February Newsletter

2011 - March/April Newsletter

2011 - May/June Newsletter

2011 - July/August Newsletter

2011 - September/October Newsletter

2011 - November/December Newsletter

2012 - January/February Newsletter

2012 - March/April Newsletter

2012 - May/June Newsletter

2012 - July/August Newsletter

2012 - September/October Newsletter

2012 - November/December Newsletter

2013 - January/February Newsletter

2013 - March/April Newsletter

2013 - May/June Newsletter

2013 - July/August Newsletter


Tool Kit LinkSafety Plan Cards LinkNewsletter Link


800-273-TALK (8255)


Macomb County Suicide Prevention Coalition
The Macomb County Suicide Prevention Coalition (MacombSPC) is incorporated as a stand-alone charitable organization governed by concerned professionals and citizens. The MacombSPC is not a corporate affiliate of either Macomb County Community Mental Health or the County of Macomb.

The contents of this website were made possible by the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrating Schools and Mental Health Systems Grant. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government